Fruits and vegetables : what is the right storage temperature ?

Fruits and vegetables : what is the right storage temperature ?

Fruit and vegetable storage temperature

Fruits and vegetables : how to ensure their preservation ?

Fruits and vegetables are sensitive perishable fresh produce. It is important to keep them in suitable storage facilities. Most fruits and vegetables are stored in positive cold rooms.

As a general rule, the storage temperature is between 3 and 6°C to prevent the products from losing their freshness too quickly.

These storage conditions also help to avoid the proliferation of bacteria. The humidity must also be monitored to avoid a too fast deterioration.

These requirements, in terms of storage of fruits and vegetables, apply to all the actors of the food industry : producer, packer, transporter…

However, placing these foodstuffs in cold storage is only one step. It is also necessary :

  • To ensure that the temperature of the positive cold room used is constant.
  • Not to break the cold chain when shipping fruits and vegetables.
  • To ensure that the cold chain has been respected from harvest to processing.

Constant temperature during harvesting and transport of fruits and vegetables : what is the interest?

14% of agricultural production is thrown away before it is even put on sale. One of the causes is the poor management of temperature and humidity during storage and transport.

These losses represent a significant loss of income for producers. Moreover, from the point of view of responsible management of agricultural production, it is more necessary than ever to reduce food losses to a minimum.

How to limit food losses in the fruit and vegetable industry ?

The use of temperature and humidity dataloggers is a solution often used to limit the loss of goods in the fruit and vegetable industry. A monitoring and alarm system for cold rooms makes it possible to step in if a breakdown occurs and to react in time.

Plug and Track temperature and humidity control and monitoring solutions

Plug and Track dataloggers and connected sensors allow you to be warned in case of anomaly and to follow the temperature and humidity in real time.

This way you can :

  • Monitor your cold rooms remotely.
  • Receive alerts by sms on your smartphone.
  • Control the temperature and hygrometry of your products during transport.

Monitor the temperature of your fruit and vegetable cold rooms remotely

Remote temperature monitoring thermotrack webserve

Monitor the temperature and humidity of your fruit and vegetable storage facilities remotely with the Thermotrack Webserve online platform.

You receive personalized alarms directly by SMS, Email, or siren.

Thermotrack Webserve is available wherever you are on your smartphone, tablet or PC. All your temperature sensors and dataloggers are gathered in one place, for simple and reliable monitoring of your various storage locations.

Which sensor can be used for the transport of fruits and vegetables ?

Bluetooth Temperature dataloger Pixie Temp

The Pixie Temp : a datalogger 100% adapted to the transport of your fruits and vegetables. Thanks to its Bluetooth technology, you can place it in any refrigerated truck and ensure that the cold chain is respected during transport. Your data is available on Thermotrack Webserve in a few clicks!

MedFEL 2022 Exhibition

The MedFEL, the exhibition of the fruit and vegetable industry in France, will be held on April 27 and 28 at the Parc des expositions in Perpignan. You can find our solutions in the exhibition guide !